Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Twins.

These are the fantabulous boots I got in Toronto last weekend. They are so hot that the guy at the shoe place (I had them stretched because I'm too delicate to break them in myself) was excited about them. Little chinese guy. He said:

Oh, Hewwo! Nice to see you. All day I see bwack shoe, bwack shoe, bwack shoe. Get sick of bwack shoe. Werry happy to see beautiful boots. Werry Nice. Wovely embroider. Good weafver too, no clappy vinyl. Try on, wet's see.
For the record, for anyone with big wide flippers like me, shoe stretching is the way to go. I brought two pair in, both were uncomfortably tight and now they are both like slippers. $6 dollar.

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