We went for a mortgage approval yesterday. What a sobering experience that is.
1. We realized how much scary rope they're willing to give us to hang ourselves with and how broke and bored we'd be for a very long time if we spent it all.
2. We realized how little rope it is compared to how expensive what we thought we wanted.
3. We wonder how on earth everyone else is managing without a trust fund and alot of anti-anxiety medication.
We take alot of heat for not owning a house. We aren't cheap, we've been focused really heavily on getting out of debt and saving for a kickass future. We've kept our nose to the grindstone when it would have been way more fun to go nuts and spend like drunken sailors. But now we're seeing the light and the excitement is building.
Dig if you will the picture, a modest little bungalow in the city. PLUS a kickass cottage on a lake in Quebec - like this actual cottage on an actual lake in Quebec that's actually 40 minutes from our house, where we can go on the weekends and invite friends and family to enjoy with us. Doesn't it look nice? Makes you want to come hang out with us White Ramshead Place, yeah? I want both the house and cottage to be comfortable and inviting. I want kids to raise kids who get to play with frogs and lightening bugs and whine about being bored on the weekends instead of just being driven to and from organized activities. Oh, and a dog and Prius Touring too, and more trips to visit family and friends, and Andrew would like a canoe, doorways he doesn't hit his head on, and a trailer to pull behind his truck. Please and thank you. Can you my darling, can you picture this?
How can you just leave me standing, alone, in a bunga-low, so cold....I want to be able to cut back and work a 4 day work week by the time I'm 45 or 50 so I can enjoy all of this stuff. When I 'retire', I want to open a bed and breakfast and get paid to dazzle guests with my home baking, good decorating and 500 thread count sheets and and make a sign for the kitchen that says 'He's 6'9' so Andrew doesn't have new people asking him the same damn question every day. Maybe I'm just too demanding...
Phase I of the plan is to find the modest sturdy bungalow that I can work my magic on, with a decent backyard, a garage for Andrew's car and a basement he can stand up in.
Oh, and one little tiny thing - I have to convince Andrew that's its a good idea and get him to pay for half. A flash of the big green kitty cat eyes and a spreadsheet might do it.
Stay tuned. I can find anything, anywhere, anytime - on sale. Just watch me go.
Why don't we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like - when ya loves, bye'.
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