My personal observations on pregnancy that I expected but were different than I thought.
"Tired" I am not just tired, I am falling asleep in my supper at 6pm kind of tired.
"Getting Big" Sadly being taller and larger framed is no insurance against exploding like a can of caulking, holding more water than a resevoir or having control over 'how' I will distribute the baby weight, even though I have gained exactly by the book.
"Baby Brain". People have stopped trusting me with anything of any consequence because I am brain dead and have the attention span of a flea. I have forgotten to do stuff, walked out of a store without paying for something I tried on (and left on) and missed appointments.
"Holy Crap Moments" There are times when I panic a little. I worry that I 'just wont' take to' this parenting thing. I can deal with meltdowns and diapers and moldy chicken nugget dinosaurs in my purse, its really a localized fear and hatred of 'children's music and programming' . I plan to enjoy fun music and appropriate shows with the Kid, but I just know that no matter how much the Kid enjoys grooving to to the cool SRV version of Mary Had a Little Lamb (its not like the lamb gets drunk or stoned or Stevie says the F-word in the cool version) and watching Discovery someone will feel bad for the Kid and think we are big meannies and introduce the Kid to Dora.
"My kid will never.....". You will find yourself silently judging and evaluating everyone else's parenting and children's behavior. Its tolerable for others only because they did the same thing -they just roll their eyes back at you for being dumb enough to judge someone else's parenting when you have no children.
"I will be practical and frugal, pregnancy is temporary and babies grow way too fast" Wrong again. I got excited and bought maternity clothes too soon, I have already outgrown a couple things. Whoops. I justify it by reasoning that I will wear them post baby while I'm getting back in shape. I have also bought more than one irrationally priced cute baby item and pretty much overspent on pretty much everything I've bought so far. The most recent of which was a designer stuffed sheep from the baby boutique and $4 infant socks. (they were both so soft and squishy). Now when I see the two sheep together I want to go back and buy the big one too. I like to sit the sheep on my stomach.
Funny thing how pregnant women are drawn to sheep...I bought "little lamby" when I first got prego and Olivia still sits it on her bed to this day and she is justify away as far as I am concerned!
Oh yeah... and growing out of maternity happens...Kinda like the eyes are bigger than my stomach when you heap your plate full of never guess at 3 months you could get that big and before you know it that "huge" item is too small. It is all about perception. Trust me...yours will change (Dora is everywhere and if your kid lets you snooze for 30 minutes while it is on suddenly she isn't THAT annoying ;) !!
We had a sheep. Someone gave it to Isaac for his baptism. It had a little cross around it's neck. Martin and I called it the "HOLY SHEEEP!" It's gone to a better home now, via the thrift shop.
As for kids' music: forget that crap! My kids yell for Beck, Chili Peppers, and "classic rock" (which I hate, but I created this monster) from the peanut gallery two rows back in the minivan. Okay, I admit, we own two Raffi cds. But it's Raffi! He's like the Bach of kids' music. I've had "Robin in the Rain" in my head since just after my own birth.
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