Baby furniture is surprisingly flimsy for items that are supposed to withstand children, theoretically from infancy until you kick the little suckers out for university. Pressed wood and laminate, all at hardwood prices, because they know you are totally irrational when pregnant and your husband is scared of you and your hormones and will let you have whatever you want.
So we have the sleigh crib. Jacob the two year old tested it and seemed to give it a soggy thumbs up. Now I want and armoire and change table/dresser. And I want to paint them black or red. And I want them to look old and antiquey. Solid hardwood stuff comes up all of the time at the auctions, so I'm pretty sure I can get something similar to the high end stuff like the pieces below, which would be about $5000, for a few hundred than paint them for 90% of the look for 10% of the cost.
I also really enjoy this farm quilt. Its a little pricey and I haven't become irrational enough to spend $150 on a "My Little Farm" baby quilt set. Partially because these days they tell you to put them in a crib with nothing but a sheet or they will smother or choke to death and even though I think its stupid and unlikely, I'm not going to be the first to allow her kid to smother or choke on a tractor applique.
Its also partly because I know at that price I wouldn't actually let the Kid touch it with its grubby little mitts. I'd like to hang it on the wall as art. Hmmm. Art is clearly a more justifiable expense than bedding. Its practically and investment. Really, enough with the justifications, all I need to do is show it to Andrew and make him love it - because if he loves something he will just buy it and enjoy it without guilt or shame.
The farm quilt rocks. You go girl. Just don't weep too hard when he barfs bananas all over it. Little tip: bananas stain like you wouldn't believe. Particularly when mixed with stomach acids. Using it as art...maybe that's a better idea. The funny thing is, nice stuff helps. When you feel the rest of your life is in chaos, sometimes it's very soothing to have just a few pristine and beautiful items to dress or wrap the babe in or decorate the room with. I was given this gorgeous hand knit blanket for Daniel by my common law step sister (long story). I LOVED this blanket. One night, I dreamed it fell into a pool full of sharks and they were tearing it apart. I woke up bereft, and then deeply relieved. Ahhh stuff. How I love you.
Martin and I had one memorably frank exchange of views regarding his laundry-sorting skills after he washed my two favourite receiving blankets (poor sap had no idea there was any such thing as a favourite receiving blanket) with the darks. That conversation lasted late into the night and has become an example of both my insanity and his woeful lack of attention to colour. But I digress.
Glad to hear you're having a "boring" pregnancy. I commented to my friend once that pregnancy was the first experience in my life where I wanted desperately to be average.
Its interesting that you would mention your shark dream given my latest post about weird dreams.
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