Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Weight Watchers...AGAIN

I've joined Weight Watchers...again. This time its WW online. Hopefully it will make me more mindful of what I'm eating and force me to plan things out better. That's the theory anyway. The reality is this would be about the 5th time I've done WW so forgive my skepticism. This timeits less about vanity and more about health so maybe that will be the thing that makes it work this time.
There's alot of advice out there telling people to tell themselves that they are special all of the time. I know I am a unique human being and I provide value to society. I get that.
However, it doesn't change the physical reality that I am 50lbs above the upper range for my height according to the BMI. That's a whole lot of special. In fact, I think I've told myself I'm so special for so long that I began to believe that it was ME. I'm just a little chunky. Obviously this is a toddlers' size XL. At a certain point even I have to admit that I'm not so special that I can't pull off an extra 50lbs. It doesn't look good or feel good on anyone.
So, for the purposes of this exersize, (and JUST this exersize), I am humbly submitting some of my special uniqueness in order to accept that physically I am just another blob of flesh, fat and bone like the everyone else, subject to the simple, universal equation of calories in, calories burned = weight lost or gained. I'm not big boned, there's nothing wrong with my metabolism, I dont' require any more or less food or exersize than other human beings of my age/height / gender.
"Master being average before you worry about being extraordinary."

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