Friday, January 19, 2007

Alternative Medicine Here I Come

So yesterday was my second visit with a naturopath. Very interesting. When you go to see a regular doctor, there is a sign on the wall that limits the amount of complaining you can do and you wait for 3 hours and then get herded out with a prescription that promises mild side effects like upset stomach, nausea, diarehha (<-I can never spell that), vomiting, headache and in some cases, irreversable death. Isn't that what I went in to get rid of ???? Anyway. I ramble. The naturpath was all on time and perky and she has prepared a 7 page booklet for me based on my specific issues with all kinds of suggestions and alternate suggestions if I don't like those suggestions. She had lists of places to go to find all of the stuff, where I should eat out to stick to my plan. She explained everything, let me ask questions and I left with a bunch of homeopathic remedies, had a REALLY big B12 shot, which always makes me feel zingy and good the day after and most of all, some hope that I can kick sugar and feel well and keep my gut from sounding like the plumbing in our 100 year old house. I'm a newlywed. Gas just isn't sexy. In December I had 'Vega Testing" done to see if I had any food insensitivities and the list was huge. Basically I'm not supposed to eat anything. Avoiding things like eggs, wheat sugar and corn are a challenge. Especially when in a perfect world I could live on a diet of Joe Louis and Flaky pastries, washed down with a diet coke. Instead, I have given up pop, which is huge for me. 6 weeks and counting. This weekend I have to scout out a gym to go start pounding the treadmill so I have at least a chance of doing this half marathon madness in May with my sisters in law and I need to find a jingly hip scarf for belly dancing. My husband' s company's 'Winter Party" is on Saturday which last year involved a buffet, so that should be interesting, and I'm going to a good ol' country auction on Sunday. I seem unable to come home from one of them without at least something.

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