Saturday, January 26, 2008

Out of 1000 kids, on a Saturday, in Costco, why is mine the only one crying...

Oh, he looks all cute and happy in the picture, but don't be fooled.  This child has a button on his back that sets off the crying mode when he is put down, in a crib, a carseat, in a stroller, in a swing, in a bouncy chair, basically anything except human arms causes him to freak out after five minutes.  The more expensive the recepticle, the louder he cries.

Today we went to Costco and we thought we had tricked him into falling asleep in the carseat.  Lulled into this false state of thank goodnessness, we lollygagged in the electronics section, meandered over to get a hotdog, and have a conversation in public without any nervous tension.

Then, sputter sputter, hiccup hiccup, the wind up started until he was in a full out wail in the food court of Costco.  If you've ever been to the food court at Costco at noon, you will notice there are about 100 kids, tons of noise, and people with carts piled high with cases of olive oil and flat screen tv's.  

So I mistakenly thought hmmm, this breastfeeding thing is going so well, maybe I could discreetly tuck him under my shirt for a little snacky poo over in the corner and no one would notice.  WRONG.  I looked up and I had about 100 pairs of eyes staring at us with our screaming baby.  Even little kids stopped and stared curiously, like we had one of thier people from the planet all babies and little kids come from and they were observing our treatment of their fellow alien.  Grandparents smiled warmly.  People without kids screwed up their faces and looked at us like we were holding something stinky (we were).  Other parents looked at us with sympathy and every woman with a kid over five looked at us with twitching ovaries and a pang of 'oh, maybe just one more to make the jumbo packs from here worth it."

At any rate, a no go on the public breastfeeding, I am not so bold and groovy.  Thank goodness for tinted backseat windows and a nice quiet parking spot or we'd never get out for more than an hour at a time.

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