Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The dryer is shrinking our stuff...aka in denial that we're fat.

Realizing that you're fat is kind of like being the last person to know you've been walking around with your skirt tucked into your pantyhose ...totally obvious to everyone except you until you finally feel the breeze on your ass.  Well seeing a photo of oneself with a double chin and an un-sucked in gut is a little like that breeze on your ass.  

Its not like you get fat overnight.  

It starts with putting on a few extra pounds and thinking maybe you shrunk your jeans in the dryer.   Then, you go shopping in the store you normally shop and assume they have outsourced to an Asian country with little skinny seamstresses and mucked with the sizing.   (or is that just me).  Then getting pregnant gives you license to not wear a waistband for a year or suck your gut in at all and it all goes to hell in a handbasket.  Then its "just a little baby weight".  At a certain point, its time to admit that there is no such thing as a "smallish" size 14.  

Now that I have seen photographic evidence of the damage, out come the little plates, the sneakers and salad for lunch. Dub-ya Squared, here I come.  (Weight Watchers)

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