Thursday, May 15, 2008

A few of my favorite things, Part Deux

Now that we're a few months into the parenting scene, a few items have emerged as our clear favorites.  Many are different from the previous favorite list.

Blanket: Hudson's Bay Company Wool trapper blanket
Now.  This is an awesome blanket.  He's never too hot or cold in it, its super lightweight so I don't worry about him suffocating in it.  We got this one as a gift from Andrew's

I love it so much that I am anticipating the day when this one gets too small and everyone else wants one too,  so I have searched the globe to find a less costly alternative for when this one becomes too small.  MacAuslands Woolen Mills in PEI sells 'blanket ends', which are approximately crib sized, 36X60 unfinished wool strips that come in pretty much any color you can think of that you can add your own blanket stitch to.  From here on out this will be my standard baby gift to people.

Jogging Stroller cover:  Mountain buggy
Babies don't like sun in their eyes.  Or wind in their faces.  Or bugs.  This cover is basically a burka for your stroller.  Ain't nothin' gonna git your critter in this.  Sure it makes your stroller look like a geek and you look like a super obsessive over protective mother, but my kid will be bug / sunburn / windchap free.  And yours won't na nanana na.

Clothes: Baby Gap fits chunky kids best

Crib: Simplicity Ellis Natural Finish.
We spend alot of time leaning over the edge of the crib patting the baby and comforting him and thank goodness for the curved edge of this crib for that.  I am also forwarned by others that babies like to chew on cribs so nice white or dark stained ones look pretty beat up after they've been abused by a baby for a couple years. 

Oh shit. He's awake.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Between a rock and a hard place....

...Is actually not that bad of a place to be.  We just recently were able to obliterate our debt after several years of carefulness.  That was the rock.  The hard place is the road ahead where we buy a house and again are the bank's bitch.  Right not the middle is actually pretty sweet.  Its a soft squishy place that is carefree and comfortable.  We get paid.  We pay rent and all that then keep the change.  

You would think it would spark a big spree of spending and shopping and lusting for material things that were out of our (easy) reach before.  Its actually seemed to do the opposite.  I have forgotten how to be decadent.  I've gone way too practical.  I threw caution to the wind and bought TWO bunches of tulips at Costco last week. Whoa.  Big spender.